Yeah, I know no one wants to hear this. Tough shit.
Published on May 25, 2005 By CapnArrigo In Politics
Ok, listen up. I don't care if you think I'm what passes for your God after this, or if you believe I am just some new Republican scum. Leave your feedback by all means, and any questions you may have. I've been wanting to do this for some time. and I just got my lazy arse to doing it. You see, I've quite frankly sick and tired of having people assume that I'm some sort of right-wing bible thumper after I tell them I like GWB. It's simply not true. I'm an Athiest (get your gasps out now people) and yes, I'm as Repbulican as they get. Why? You may very well ask that. A majority of Republicans, when asked about their ideology, respond with religoious dogma as their defense. I don't think that gives a complete picture of what being a Republican is. As such, I have put together my non-religious, yet Republican, stances on various issues that seem to be sources of cleavage in public opinion.
Just the big ones for right now. I'm tired. If I get feedback, I'll go on.

Always fun to talk about. "Oh, the (Popes, God, w/e) said life begins at conception." Ok, that's fantastic. Don't believe in God? Ok, I have an answer for you. In this country, there are countless couples who are, due to various reasons, quite unable to bring children into the world. It's a given fact. If you don't believe me, look at the number of infertility clinics and sperm banks out there. By having an abortion, not only do you get lots and lots of excitable people angry, but you deprive one of these couples a chance (not their only chance, but a chance nontheless) to experience the joy that is bringing up a child. Secondly, abortion (unless it can be catergorically proven that the mother's life was in jeopardy if birth had gone on as planned) is quite simply selfish. The couple, or mother (if you want to call her a mother, I don't especially), are avoiding unpleasntness, embarassment, expense, &c. that would be brought about if the fruits of her reckless behavior had come to term.. For many adoption networks, the brunt of the cost is born by the families adopting. There is quite literally nothing for the mother to lose by having the child, except a few weeks (or probably quite less) in the hospital and/or nursing. Abstain or adopt, people. Take responsibility for your actions, and don't ruin someone else's life because you made a whoopsie.

Gay Rights
Ok, you have me here. I do not support the initiative, nor, however, am I explicitly against it. I feel it is a matter best left up to the majority opinions in the individual states. Oh, and none of the "ok, we're going to such-and-such state to get married, but coming right back." No. Sorry.

Death Penalty
Picture this scenario. Every year, a bill arrives in your mailbox. You are mandated to pay some of your hard earned cash towards people who have committed acts that undermine your saftey, your livelihood, and your way of life. Sometimes, you only have to pay a little bit for some people, and only a short amount of time. Others, it's a continual process, like what a leech does. Now, see, both of these "people" have done the exact same thing. One had a judge who believed in the death penalty, the other did not. Oh, sorry, this does happen every year. Called "Taxes." The basic economics of the issue lie in a single question. Given a criminal convicted of a capital offense, would you rather pay for his room and board (often INCLUDING CABLE TELEVISION!?!??!) for the rest of his life, or a single, lethal dose of chemicals that cause little or no pain for the executee, all the while punishing him for his crimes? I know what I'd rather do. Clear up some jail room for people who are, mostly, still people. Which brings up my second point. There have been numerous cries of "Waah! How can you be both pro-life and pro-death?" Give me a break. The world is not as black and white as that. In one case, you talk about a baby that has done nothing to deserve to die, on the other hand you have what used to be a person, commiting a heinous and unforgivable act, and being given both a trial AND an opportunity to defend itself. So, unless you want to have a trial by a jury of your fellow fetuses, or if you want to give the embryo a set of wirecutters, I don't want to hear that argument. There are also contentions of "Rehabilitation." I hate to break it to you, but, comparatively speaking, how often does this work? I apologize for not having any figures, but the Dukakis system of "weekend furloughs" comes to mind. I don't think many people need to be reminded of what a ferking disaster that was. No. rehabilitation may work in some cases, but chances are that if a person is able to commit a capital offense (dare I say heinous enough to go against what passes of normal human behavior), he or she has created a sort of mental bypass that circumvents said behavioral conventions- In their case, lightning can and usually will strike in the same place twice. Fourthly, and hopefully finally, I would answer to the charge that many of the criminals executed are, in fact, innocent.. People. Look, the average time from the sentencing of a capital criminal to his or her execution is approximately 13+ years. Not months, not weeks, years. During that time, parties concerned may bring legally obtained evidence (e.g. DNA testing) to court for evaluation and possible retrial. Failing that, we fall back on the basic principle of the American legal system- JURY BY PEERS, "BEYOND REASONABLE DOUBT." Somehow, the evidence presented against an individual was convincing enough to twelve other Americans to find him or her guilty, possibly with the recommendation of the death penalty.

I'll be back with more. Hard to talk politics when talking to your prom date and falling asleep on the keyboard.

Thanks for listening.

on May 25, 2005
Combative, are we?

There is quite literally nothing for the mother to lose by having the child, except a few weeks (or probably quite less) in the hospital and/or nursing.

Actually, there is much more to pregnancy and child birth than time in the hospital (umm...typical stay is only a day or two, btw). Let me school you a bit.

Costs of pregnancy:

Extreme emotional distress (possible in all pregnancies, likely in unwanted pregnancies)

Loss of employment (due to controversy of pregnancy (stemming from situation resulting in unwanted pregnancy), excessive days off for medical conditions and illness, or inability to perform job that would be considered hazardous during pregnancy)

Morning sickness (nausea and throwing up every. single. day. for months on end)

Medical costs for which the woman is uninsured or underinsured (prenatal care involves many, many expensive tests as well as frequent office visits, one during the first trimester, once a month during the second, twice a month during the two months preceding the due date, and once a week during the last month, and the cost of hospitalization and procedures done during the birth (including things like epidurals, fetal monitoring, episiotomies, cesarean sections, etc.)

Expenses related to pregnancy that the woman may not be able to cover (transportation to doctor's visits, appropriate nutrition, maternity clothing, etc.)

Heartburn like nothing you've ever felt before, leg cramps, hemorrhoids, breast pain, fatigue (not typical fatigue, but serious can't lift your head up fatigue), severe back pain, high blood pressure, mood swings, vaginal infections, swelling, urinary incontinence, weight gain, stretch marks, varicose veins, etc.

Ill-treatment and emotional abuse at the hands of those who do not approve of the pregnancy.

Possible physical abuse at the hands of partners or family members who do not approve of the pregnancy (You should know that the leading cause of death amongst pregnant women is murder. Violent partners who do not wish to have a baby frequently resort to murder).

Potential damage to the pregnant woman's health, including diabetes complications, preeclampsia, hemorrhaging during child birth, permanent scarring due to Cesarean section or tearing during a vaginal birth.

I could go on, but I think you get the picture. Pregnancy is difficult even in the most desired of situations. To say that a woman has "nothing to lose" by continuing an unwanted (or even wanted) pregnancy is incredibly callous and borderline misogynistic. It is a woman's right to choose whether or not to continue with a pregnancy and the decision is not made lightly. To suggest that a woman should have to endure the things I've listed, and more, because other people want babies and because you consider it to be selfish is ridiculous.

Some pregnancies come about due to irresponsibility on the part of the woman AND HER MALE PARTNER, but others are the result of rape, incest, and failed birth control. Regardless, some women make the difficult decision to abort their pregnancies out of concern for their own futures and the futures of their unborn children. Whether you like it or not, it is a woman's legal right, as the consequences and complications brought on by pregnancy are hers alone to bear.

Other than that, enjoy your prom night and your budding Republicanhood.

on May 26, 2005
Not combative. Contentious.
Thank you for your obviously well-educated response. I would, however, like to bring something else up.

Abortion is nowhere near being perfect. It also carries with it its own medical and emotional risks.
Immediately, it can have many of the same problems as birth, such as tearing, internal and external bleeding, infection, etc. any of which may be brought about at any of the stages of abortion. To which I add that there are many more stages, and many more possible complications associated with abortion than with adoption. Heavy medication, surgery, the possibility of not extracting the entire fetus (and the infection that causes)... and on. There is also a much greater risk for the woman in question to get breast cancer (due to a drop in estrogen levels). Psychologically, there is a litle thing called Post-Abortion Syndrome. Carries with it all sorts of nasty things like self-doubt, forms of PTSD, suicidal thoughts, "anniversary grief," etc. So, much of the issues listed abut pregnancy hold true with abortion as well.